
A reminder of your truth.

Knowing yourself beyond your story opens up a deeper awareness of yourself and the present moment.

As infinite consciousness your potential is unlimited.
You are a miracle and the creator of your reality.

About the mission

High Valyou is designed to deepen your self-realization, master your subconscious mind and support you in creating an authentic transformation from the inside out that permeates all areas of your life. Combining the power of the present moment with psychology, neuroscience and ancient wisdom, High Valyou serves as an holistic framework and a safe space for your inner work.

About the founder

My deepest passion is exploring consciousness and diving deeper into my inner world. My life is better because of my tendency to look inward and persist in the search for who I really am at my core. I find it incredibly fascinating how much freedom and aliveness comes with this inner realization. What I love most about my work is that I get to share my passion with others and inspire them to live a life based on who they really are. I feel so blessed to be able to share my deepest calling with those who feel inspired to go deeper in their own self-realization, face their fears and open their hearts.

Professional Background

Bachelor of Science in Business Adm. & Economics

Combining my passion with my studies I wrote my thesis about “Mindfulness Meditation in the Corporate Environment” at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany.

Associate Certified Coach

I was awarded by the International Coach Federation (ICF), which is the only globally recognized, independent credentialing program for coach practitioners and the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession. I have met stringent education and experience requirements to demonstrate a deep understanding of the coaching competencies, commitment to integrity and dedication to clients.

Certified Professional Coach

I trained at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), a top-level ICF accredited coach training program with the mission “to raise the consciousness of the world, one person at a time”.

Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner

I mastered the use of the Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment, which is a research-backed attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life.

Personal Journey

A few years ago I was caught up in my own suffering – cut off from my inner guidance. I gave my power away and valued other over myself. I was compromising on my dreams and on my truth because of the longing for validation. This compromise led me to feeling anxious, paralyzed, unworthy and being tormented by self-doubt most of the time.

The turning point was me taking the brave decision not to numb my pain any longer but to look inward instead. When I realized how I was perpetuating my suffering, I committed to my truth more deeply than ever before.

Today, I’ve got myself back! I am the conscious creator of my life and nourish myself from the inside out. Everything else, is the cherry on top of my already very delicious cake of self-awareness. (What a comparison, haha!) It’s my calling to help fellow humans expand their consciousness, integrate any inner parts that are in pain and enter the flow of empowered self-expression.

About the approach

At the root of your personality you hold a self-concept, a story about who you think you are. This inner narrative reflects the level of consciousness that you are resonating at. The High Valyou approach aims at raising your consciousness so you can become aware of your inner dialogue, reduce your identification with your unconscious conditioning and live a meaningful life in alignment with your truth.

Integrate the past

We all learned to supress certain parts of ourselves in response to the emotional pain we experienced when being disapproved of. Subsequently we are conditioned to believe we need to be a certain way in order to be acceptable. By bringing consciousness to your inner wounds you can learn to parent yourself, let go of compensatory behaviors and meet each aspect of yourself with compassion.

Live in the present

True presence breaks through our mental programming and allows us to be aware of our thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations without identifying with the storyline we call ‘our life’. It’s a dimension of consciousness which recognizes the miracle of existence opening the doorway to inner freedom and a deeper self-realization – the knowing that we are pure awareness, infinite consciousness.

Create the future

We often want to create changes in our lives in order to avoid feelings of lack, fear, or unworthiness. In doing so we project our inner peace onto the desired outcome – setting ourselves up for pressure and conditional happiness. In order to transform our lives the changes need to take place from the inside out – rooted in worthiness, self-awareness and an acceptance of the present.

All High Valyou services are based on a systematic step-by-step process which supports you in making sense of the bigger picture of inner work while staying on track with your current priorities, goals and tasks. Having a framework for personal development helps refocus on what really matters and be accountable especially when dealing with challenging emotions. The importance and order of the steps depends on your individual values, needs and goals.



Detach from your inner dialogue and reconnect to the present moment.


Belief System

Understand the interconnections between your thoughts, emotions and actions.


Inner Shift

Open your heart, raise your energy and shift your focus from lack to abundance.



Allow yourself to dream and design an mental picture of the future that excites you.



Clarify your priorities, define smart goals & set achievable milestones.



Get into the flow, take inspired action & enjoy doing what you love.